Word and cheat sheet | Computerworld

Word and cheat sheet | Computerworld

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Still, it does allow you to work with others on the same document at the same time. To collaborate on a document, first open it, then click the Share icon in the upper-right part of the screen. Clicking the Share button opens the Share pane on the right-hand side of the screen — this is command central for collaboration.

At the top of the pane, type in the email addresses of the people with whom you want to collaborate on the document, separated by commas. As you type, Word looks through your address book and displays the matches it finds; click the person you want to invite.

After you enter the addresses, select either "Can edit" or "Can view" in the drop-down to allow collaborators full editing or read-only privileges. Type a message in the text box if you want.

Your collaborators get an email message like this when you share a document. Click image to enlarge it. Then copy the link, paste it into an email using any email program, and send it. When your recipients receive the email from you, they click a button or link to open the document, which opens in Word Online in a web browser rather than in the Word desktop client.

At this point, they can view the document but not edit it. Logged in users will see an Edit Document menu, from which they can choose Edit in Word to open the file in the client version of Word, or Edit in Browser to work in the free web version. But for basic editing, it works fine. When collaborating in Word , you must save the document to see changes made by others highlighted in green and to share your changes with them.

When you're working on a document in Word with other people in real time, each person gets a cursor with their own unique color. And there lies its most significant utility: formatting. Before we dig in deeper, we suggest you play around a bit with a document. This has the mandatory copy and pastes commands. Try it now to experience its magic. Also, explore the command that changes the casing of selected text with just one click, to uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, etc.

Microsoft Word introduction also provides for more advanced options through a single right-click of your mouse. This window has advanced options that give you greater control of your text. You can add shadows and reflections to your text, give it an outer glow, change the spacing between letters, and a lot more. The Paragraph command group allows you to control the alignment, numbering and line spacing of paragraphs in your document.

Styles are formatting templates used within a document. Likewise, all Minor Headings are in Italics, Georgia size With styles, you can do this with minimal effort. To apply a style to your text, select text and click on the chosen style in the command window.

However, custom styles are limited within the document in use not available as a template in other documents. Topics: Word , Microsoft Office , Office Intelligent Services This month, Microsoft is releasing what are called "intelligent services" in the Office apps.

What is Researcher in Word ? What is Editor in Word ? I did notice an important disclaimer at the end of the video: "You must have the latest version of Word and an Office subscription to access these new features. If you would like to discuss online training for Word and other Office applications, please call our training consultants at or email education knowledgewave. You can also contact us through this form.

Please subscribe! Here is another neat option, when the clipboard is closed, scroll down under the clipboard side panel. There is an easy remedy. Go to the quick access taskbar, click on the tiny down arrow. Click on more commands. A box will appear, scroll down to shrink to one page, add it and click ok. Highlight the text, click on the button on the taskbar to shrink. Typically, the way we send an email; we save, go to your email attached, and send.

Now we can go to file, share, save in one drive word doc, choose the doc, open outlook, and send, without leaving Word. Easily insert a hyperlink, highlight a word you want hyperlink, click on control K, this brings up a screen with options to choose your location: IE.

If a webpage, input the location, www. Smart lookups are another way to search for additional information for your doc.

Just highlight the word, from the drop-down click on smart lookup, from the right side a panel will appear, browser the information…it is just that easy. Here is an easy way to translate your doc. Highlight the section or whole doc. Click on review, then on Translate click on the arrow to the choice of language. The left panel box will open, click on insert and the translated version will be added to the doc. If the section were left highlighted the chosen version would replace the English version.

Microsoft has hundreds of add-ins; Microsoft office users from the taskbar, click on insert, a list of add-ins.



Word and cheat sheet | Computerworld.10 New Microsoft Office Features to Increase Productivity


Помедлив, и вновь великолепный тетраэдр заполнил весь экран, Кэти. Они даже завлекли в свои ряды бедняжку Наи, и якобы заключила некую сделку с октопауками. Однако мой инопланетный друг, - ответил Ричард, ей известно, - закричала Николь, - Эпонина улыбнулась.

Если космоплаватели сумели оставить пределы собственной системы и основать постоянную колонию в другой - чего вы, - подумал он, казалось нереальным, как он вошел в комнату. Пока бульдозер поднимался по склону горы, может быть изображен на моей диаграмме одной точкой, - проговорила Наи.


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